目前分類:布宜諾2006 (18)
- Jul 13 Sun 2008 12:04
9. 7th May手記
- Feb 06 Wed 2008 21:40
8. 1st/3rd/5th May.手記
我是不是跳舞太現實了呢?雖然口口聲聲說tango is a kind of conversation,可是卻一心只想遇上好舞者,這就像是只願跟聰明人交朋友、談話,雖可以理解,可是似乎多少有些令人反感及討厭吧。比方那個跳得實在不怎麼樣但對人極好的法國人,我是否在舞會時對他太冷淡,只因為他不是個好舞者?但來到這裡,好像應該更開放心胸,去交朋友,去認識這個城市,而非一味的栽進tango world裡。
- Dec 30 Sun 2007 02:33
7. 四月三十手記
- Sep 05 Tue 2006 17:33
5. ¡ Que Bonito, Obelisco!
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 17:41
4. 接近無限透明的藍
[ San Telmo 轉角教堂]
- Jul 06 Thu 2006 00:34
7/4 IGUAZU!!!!
after 16hours bus, i am in Iguazu now. and there is free internet in my hostel!!! it's still a little bit boring to travel alone. but i think it's good for me to leave tango for few days and really be lazy.
i hope this trip would be worthy....after all, i give up four tango days just for Iguazu.....
- Jun 30 Fri 2006 08:14
6/29 my last week in Bs As
i can't believe i am going home soon....untill now, i still can't feel that i have been here for 3 monthes. this trip has changed me a lot, now i can't image how could i go back to my original life. actually, after i meet tango, i can feel that it's impossible to go back to my old life.
next week i will go to the waterfall. although i have to travel alone, but i think i still should go to there. after all, it seems too pity if i go to Argentina and just stay in Bs As.
i don't know how much do i change, but the only thing i can be sure is i really get fatter here....haha. although i dance everyday, but the food here is really too rich lah....
- Jun 08 Thu 2006 01:45
6/7 the last month
6/7 Miercoles
It's the last month I am in Bs As. I can't believe and feel I have been here for one and half month already. For me, everything is still new now. I really really wanna stay much longer, but I know I am lucky enough to stay 2 and half months....
I was so excited this monday in Canning, because the guy Pablo Veron he was there!!!! I saw the movie "the tango lesson" several times, but I have never thought that I can see him personally!!! It's so amazing for me!!! Of course he didn't invite me to dance, but it's enough for me to dance in the same dance floor with him....I wanted to take a photo, but it seems too tourist....haha, so I gived up that thought.
Sometimes I still can't believe I am in Bs As, it seems a dream for me. I think this trip has changed me a lot. I can't tell the exactly difference, but I can feel it. I think it's hard to come back to my original life....although I know everything here is not the "real life". Maybe I should try to pick up my mood and all feelings before I leave.....
anyway, I just have 4 weeks more, and I don't want to think too much now...just wanna enjoy all the things happen here, even though that is not "real". But, just because that is not REAL, so I can just enjoy it, isn't it?
- May 28 Sun 2006 07:31
5.27 Sabados
5.27, it WAS my last night in Bs As.
I can't image that if I have to leave tomorrow....fortunately, I can stay one more month now.
Actually I don't feel well this week.....I mean, I feel that I dance so so so bad...and lots of things I know, but I can't do it well. Then I start to blame myself, then I become worse....
It's like you have passed a line, but the second line is much much higher...and you don't know when you can reach it.
I know it takes time to practice and let body get used to eveything I learn. Maybe I push myself too much.
- May 19 Fri 2006 17:05
5.19 Jueves
- May 19 Fri 2006 06:23
5.18 Miercoles
- May 12 Fri 2006 23:32
Bs As life
Because my computer is broken, I can't type in Chinese. Sorry about my poor English, so I can't express my feeling and share my life here on the blog to all my friends.
I am REALLY happy here and feel completed to have tango. it is fall in Buenos Aires now. it's so bonita everywhere. I love tango and this city too much, and almost want to move to here forever.
Lots of friends ask about when I will go back to Taiwan. Actually, if I can, I really want to stay here for at least one year. But, the holiday should have the end, I have to go home after all. Thanks for my parents so much. They agree with my ask, so now I will stay here to 7/4.
I don't really miss Taiwan, but sometimes I do miss friends. Hope you all are fine.
- Apr 24 Mon 2006 13:27
4/23 Domingos